Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Jam? What a waste.

For those of you who know me well, you'll know that if I've got fruit, it's bubbling away in a demijohn. Turning it in to jam or cordial? Such a waste. Well, after making my damson rum, I still had plenty left for wine. When searching for a recipe, it was suggested that once the liquid for the wine had been strained off, you could use what was left for jam. There was nothing to lose if it went wrong as the wine was made so I gave it a try. It took ages to seperate out the stones from the pulp and I'm sure I missed some. Once it was bubbling away on the stove I had a moments panic. I don't make jam, I've got no jars! Thankfully my sister had donated a few jam olive jars and they were still with my wine bottles.

There was enough for 2 1/2 jars of my favourite jam. I might have to try this in future with other left over wine fruits. Maybe a boozy damson jam when the rum's strained off?

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