Magic mushrooms

Feeling a bit more chirpy today and romped through the signs of Autumn with the infants; followed by looking at artefacts with the bigger ones - I took in a few 'historical' things I could muster from home and was amazed that no-one had seen a chamber pot before - a giant's tea cup was the most imaginative guess. Much hilarity ensued when they found out what it was actually used for. The chamber pot, I better clarify, was inherited from the last owners of the house and is a vintage specimen.

A grey, moisture laden kind of day. We've just walked down to the sea which was breezy but exhilarating. I even had a little paddle and it felt warm - ish! These teeny perfect toadstools were nestling in a rotten tree trunk - far prettier but not as interesting as Ceridwen's detumscent dog dicks from yesterday!! A lot of seaweed has been washed in with the gales, just the right kind for a bath, so I have collected a nice heap.

Thank you for all the advice re roasted tomatoes - I slow roasted them with sea salt and garlic and rosemary for three hours and have now put them in a kilner jars with extra olive oil. Inspired by traveller'sjoy I also made some elderberry syrup, reinforced with the last of the blueberries and some sloes - that should see off any winter lurgy.

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