
The river isn't in spate yet, but there's a lot of water moving very quickly and they are already leaping. Watched them at Ossian's Hall just outside Dunkeld. They start their swim up to the wall of water and then jump. Sometimes they get it wrong and bash themselves against the rocks before falling to the bottom again. They don't stop there though. They persevere and after recovering they have another go until they get it right. To get up the fall they have to hit the stream of water about two thirds up. Then they swim up the fast flowing downpour before resting at the top. Then the whole saga begins over again when they come to the next fall.

If anyone ever deserved a medal it has to be these guys. You really have to wonder at the power, the determination and the instinct that goes into the process. Many of them will never return to the place of their birth. Those that do will spawn and die. Once again the cycle will be complete.

PS if you are ever in this area, the Hermitage is well worth a visit. Can't promise the salmon will be jumping, but plenty walks on well maintained paths through both coniferous and deciduous woods, along rivers, up hills and across open moorland too.

PPS Also had a red squirrel run across the path in front of us - should have caught it on camera but was too busy jumping up and down while trying to let the man know where it was. By the time I realised what I needed to do, Tufty had left the building. Next time I hope!

PPPS this gives a better idea of what they were up against.

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