
By Nigel

Fan Only

The drier in the darkroom, where I attempted to spend an evening reacquainting myself with hand printing the black and white film I shot at the wedding (which developed rather well considering I haven't done it for a good few months). It turned out that despite me remembering how to do it all better than I expected there was a bit of an open evening at the photographic society so I gave up after a while. Still, the process all went rather swimmingly, even if I think I may have to learn split grade printing to get the best out of the white dress and the black jackets. Came home smelling of fixer, which was nice.

Today at work was much better than yesterday, I had a proper computer head back on and made much progress, though I was still rather jealous of Jen being off. Especially when we met for lunch at the Mosque Kitchen and she drove off to take the top down on the car and enjoy herself.

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