the plum picker

strictly speaking the plum eater - she spent a long time picking the plums but there were only ever five in her bowl. Never mind, it was my fault for forgetting them for so long...

Today was busy. It came as a bit of a shock cos normally I do nothing :-/ Anyway, to cut a long story short - am in the darkest depths of preparing a big jamboree in Serbia next week, lots to prepare from logistics of getting everyone there and accommodated to preparing seminar programmes, my own presentation (and making my own graphics in order to avoid the deadly bullet points of doom), a guided discussion on a tricky subject....and then how the family is going to get on when I'm away...what will they eat, are there enough clean clothes, what instructions do they need....added complications next week are Mr. S having his first day in college exactly on the day when I have to leave the house at 5.30am and not return for four days...ha ha ha

And then we picked just over a tonne of apples too.
Cooked lots of food.
Tried to catch up on the housework from yesterday.
Dealt with a couple of crises from the younger generation.
And now I'm making chicken stock and enjoying a nice cuppa.
Before I wash up.

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