Judith's photos

By Judith

Misty morning

Glastonbury Tor on a misty morning.

Several days ago, I received an email from Ryan, the comms person at Blipfoto, saying that as I had my 365 coming up, they wondered if they could put together a story of my experience of using Blipfoto and taking 365 pictures.

I said no as I'm not very interesting. But as I had my 365 coming up, I thought I'd answer Ryan's proposed questions on here today. So here goes:
Through Kinda Horrigans.
My surroundings.
I'd like to think so - I certainly hope so.
Not yet, but I'm trying..
Sometimes challenging but always fun!
Three cubed times two minus one cubed.
Adult education tutor (I teach maths!)
Happily married with 2 sons.
The wonderful county of Somerset.

So now you know!

I would have liked something a bit more special for this milestone, but I've been at a meeting in Wells all day today. It was this, or dice showing 365..

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