In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Spirit in the sky

Some time ago I posted a picture of a pub I have never been in, but had a great name, The Hen Hoose.
This one is in the same area, The Merchant Quarter, I have not been in this one either. But it also has a very well thought out and apt name. The Spirit Level. It's history does not show any connection to tradesmen, hinted at by the name however. It has only in the past few years undergone a name change.
It tends to be a busy bar on Sundays with karaoke and dancing going on.
I am not a fan of karaoke at all. It us, in my opinion, probably one if the worse things that the Japanese have ever given us.
Question though, are festivals like Glastonbury just large karaoke get-togethers with mass singing going on?
Just a thought.

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