Life... Streaming.

By queromartin

10th Day - Favorite Super Hero

Doing a back blip on my previous photos on the challenge.

As for my 10th Day, I am posting my favorite Super Hero.

I could have posted my Mom and Dad but they don't have super powers, they only have nearly semi-super human powers. :P Hahaha.

So why Superman? (First of all, sorry if there's any copyright issues here, couldn't find a Superman action figure nearby so I improvised, hahaha.)

Ok, so why Superman?

Well, he has one of the most foolish disguises ever... And I really find that funny. :P Next, he's not really human... But he has the human emotion, the human feelings, the human essence that makes his super powers even more super. It's not really how much you have, or what you really have... It's how you make use of it. He could have ruled the world if he wanted to... but he chose otherwise, he chose to protect it instead.

Next is, he was born SUPER... He wasn't like the photographer who got bitten by a spider. He's not a scientist who got in a radioactive accident. He's powers weren't given by someone else... He was born with it. And sometimes I can relate to that... I guess everyone has their own unique talents given at birth, some of us just took for granted or maybe we've forgotten about it. But some of us harnessed our potentials and be all that we can be.

Next and maybe the last reason is that no matter how strong he is... He also has his Kryptonite. Which reminds us that we can all try to be invincible but the bitter truth is that we all have weaknesses. And it's how we handle it... Good thing for Superman, he always has a few friends to help him around, and maybe that's what we all need. Someone to reach out to when we fail.

So here he is, my favorite super hero... Superman.

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