Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Avast me hearties, I be making ye walk the plank... and all that pirate nonesense.

Today was the Water of Leith Conservation Trust's Children's Treasure Hunt in the Dells. It was Peter Pan themed and I was helping H make children walk a plank into/over the river. The kids with wellies on went in, those without turned around and went back. It was so much fun. We only soaked one child's feet (kid's wellies are shorter than grown up wellies) and only made one kid cry (child of the volunteer coordinator!). It was a fantastic day and about 57 families came along. Tried to get a shot of my outfit when I got back in but it's always so difficult when it's on timer and there's no one to check you're fully in shot.

I got back just before The Boy arrived back from collecting his sister from the station. Went out to Zizzi's for a lovely, much needed dinner

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