My amazing world

By Melvinwhittle

It the end of a season

Well it may well be the end of a season but there is still a lot of beauty left in my amazing world. The flowers are almost at the end but within them will be the seeds for another season yet to come. It's the same with life every thing comes to an end and we move on talking the seeds memories if you like to the next stage. If we are lucky they will flower another day, and if not we will plant new ones.
I have had the most amazing twelve months with the biggest highs and lows of my 41 years. I have fallen down a lot this year but I keep getting back up and no matter what the next twelve months throw at me I always will.
So I will keep standing tall and planting seeds.

EDIT: I have just had a text from my now ex wife the decree absolute has gone through today I am not sure how I feel about that but one thing is for sure this being alone is way harder than I would have liked but I am sure its the right thing for me.

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