through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


"Man born of woman
is of few days and full of trouble.
He springs up like a flower and withers
like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure."
Job 14:1-2

What has been on my mind for many days:

Had a really good talk today with a sister of mine and she left me with this question:

What do you want?

At first when she asked me that, saying that GOD asks us that, I didn't know how to respond. Why would I even ask myself that? Doesn't that seem selfish to ask that? Aren't we suppose to ask what does GOD want?

When I posed all those questions to her, she told me that sometimes God wants to know our desires because isn't God bigger and greater than anything? Whatever passion, hope, dreams, or desires we have, God can still use that and make it so much bigger to glorify Him.

Still processing but one thing I've definitely realized is I've looked at God and said, you're not enough: Your grace is not enough; Your love is not enough; Your mercy is not enough. All of THAT is not enough. And then in replacement of that, we seek after worldly love, mercies, and grace when none of them can even reach the full perspective of God?s.

Christ didn't come die for us and say "here's freedom! With a limit!". He died for us to give us the full package: to take our imperfections and cover us with His perfection; to take our punishment so we won't have to go through it; to love us for who we are, inside and out. Yet we still manage to look at Him and say, "Not enough. Give me more."

Yet, He still manage to looks at us and love us.

Who else can be compared to the One that is already incomparable?

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