Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Don't they make a lovely couple?

Woke up this morning with a thumping headache! I seem to suffer from blocked sinuses every now and again, and the pain can be quite intense. Not had it for some time now but sods law today of all days it returned.

I was supposed to go to the one day cricket international in Cardiff, England v India, but I just wasn't up for it. I usually try and avoid taking painkillers, and splashing cold, cold water on my head seems to work. So soaking a flannel and leaving it on my head was the first attempt today.

It didn't work! So nothing left than to take cocodamol, extra strong painkillers, only downside they leave you very drowsy. So I've missed the cricket!

Let's just put that into perspective though, across the valley from me there are four families who are having to deal with a mining tragedy. My pain is nothing compared to theirs.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families!

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