Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


My Mum ran me up to the local GPs to see the nurse and have my op wounds inspected. They're doing well and I now only have one wound still dressed!

I have thrown up twice this morning. My Mum took me out in the car to get me out of the house and we went to the post office to collect a little panda speaker which I'd ordered for Rowan off Ebay...all the way from Hong Kong. We then went to Asda were I sat in the car because I felt too bad to even traipsed around Asda. This is the view of my Mum's car's dashboard! She has a reindeer (?), a little kitty doll, some other type of doll and a smelly croc! My Mum got me some fruit and lucozade out of Asda. Had a little of each for dinner and, touch wood, it's stayed down so far!

Boys are all at Mums now so I can have a chill. Thanks Mum!

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