Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

had many photographs today, but this will be more of a remembrance of a day when it rained almost the whole day and as the day when I saw Mr. Woody on a tree but as I took out my camera while holding my umbrella and a book and some papers, some things fell. I am just glad that there weren't many puddles where I was standing. By the time I gathered my things Woody had gone but this chipmunk made its appearance and posed for me for the first time this season :)

After the meeting, I spent some time with my aunt, picked up H, dropped her home and picked Mo. We went shopping for some stuff for Sunday's Gourmet Bazaar.

Now I am tired to the core and will call it a day.

P.S. Red is my favorite colour today. Not only that, one of my colleagues was wearing the exact same red clothes as I was ... what a coincidence? :)

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