
By RockNerd

Born to Boogie

Marc Bolan died on this date in 1977, when the car in which he was a passenger left the road & hit a tree in Barnes, South West London.
The site has become a shrine to his memory. This morning I stopped off there on my way to work & chatted to a bloke with glitter on his face, who had come down from Lancashire to mark the date, & who, with a small group of other fans had camped out overnight, playing music & drinking champagne.
Bolan may have been one of rock music's worst lyricists, but when he delivered his words in a fey bleat over a glam-rock stomp, they still sound silly, but become huge fun too!

(I'm aware that this picture is awful, but I had a bit of a "special" moment & managed to delete a much better photo before I'd loaded it onto the computer!)

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