Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Last of the Hummingbirds

It got very cold here last night - 41F/5C so it took awhile before any of the hummingbirds emerged from their torpor state. Whereas yesterday I counted at least a half dozen, today I've only seen 3 or 4. This makes me think that the adult females have left and these are the juveniles, who are the last to leave. The good news is that they all appear very healthy and quite large (for hummingbirds!) This one is a juvenile male - and how do I know this? Well... he had a couple of red feathers on his neck which are the beginnings of his bright red gorget! Also, it seems that the males are quite a bit more vocal than the females - just my observation.

I took a few other shots which I posted on Flickr, if you'd care to have a look...
Hummie breakfastRuffled feathers
With a bit of spider web clinging to its beak

I wonder if they will be here again tomorrow ...

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