my corner of the world

By Vic

Flamborough lighthouse

Today has not quite gone as planned! Being one who likes to plan (and possibly a slight control freak) has meant that today has caused distress! Woke up with the last bit of my cold still lingering. My friend dropped her daughter off for me to keep an eye on as she has broken her foot! Later that day Jasmine's school called to say she was sick and dizzy! Then a whole series of stressful incidents occurred with my nearly-teen! Her head is all messed up and she cannot handle it. Unfortunately they say you hurt the ones you love the most. All I can say is she must really love me.

We had a heart to heart (or should that be Hart to Hart). Wish we could go and live on a desert island (a very hot one filled with lashings of food and drink) and just be us, without the stress of life, work, school,etc.... Shall shut up in case my melancholy rubs off.

Tomorrow is another day!
Hope you have a fab weekend.

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