For the family

By RonaMac


This has been a brilliant day. No 1 and only daughter submitted her thesis for her doctorate today. Five years of hard work whilst working full time is a great achievement and we appreciate how hard she has worked and how much support she has received from her husband.

We are looking forward to graduation next July, any excuse for a new outfit! Most of my clothes are associated with places or events. We went out to dinner this evening to celebrate. The champagne was saved until we got home and no one needed to drive.

Whilst she went to Uni today husband No 1 and only and I spent the time replanting the garden. (We will suffer tomorrow if we can manage to crawl out of bed). We haven?t finished it yet, so it will need some more attention before we go home on Monday.

This is my 99th blip, who would have thought at the outset that it would coincide with this weekend.

PS The ruffle in a blip earlier this week has been claimed!!

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