There was a sky but ...

Quite a nice sky actually. I just wanted to make my Cousteau the main event.

He really is quite wonderful.

I have had a productive day after a slow start. I was supposed to be catching up with a friend, but he cancelled due to ill health. The upshot was that I wasn't too desperate to get out of my nice warm bed. Cousteau hunkered down too, as did Pio. I got up at about 9.30; the boys dragged themselves off their beds around 11 am. Teenagers!

Then I set about sorting out my vege patch, ready for planting. Mesclun mix next weekend. Apparently I have to leave the manure to do its thing for a week. I'll water it in regularly.

I marked a whole heap of assessments. It wasn't too onerous a task in the sunshine with a cat sleeping on the table beside me and the dog nearby, making the most of the sunshine.

CP came out and took me out for coffee, which was really nice. I was a little surly and not at all good company, but he told me that he didn't mind. We all have good days and bad days. He's a good sort.

Then out for a walk with the red boy (who rolled in a dead goat - nice), and a bit of 4x4 dodging.

I was all set for a quiet evening of rugby watching (with the sound down) and working on some writing I'm doing. I've just had a txt from B, saying that he's heading out to keep me company and is bringing tea. Even better.

Night all.

Check this out it you want a giggle. :)

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