Rodents rule

By squirk

What a carry on

I know there's plenty of seed to for all the raptors in my garden, but it seems there just isn't enough room on that feeder for all the hungry beaks. I like the expressions on the two ladies to the left. They kind of say "Tch!" to me.

It's not a great pic, but it's the only one I took today, so I'm stuck with it!

The big news of the day was that I had my first swimming lesson and actually swam! I'd be telling a lie if I said I couldn't swim, but my doggy paddle isn't a recognised stroke as such. So, this was breaststroke, and I didn't sink. There are three ladies in my class and we're all scared of the water, so the aim of the class is to build confidence and then technique. The instructor says we'll be proficient in breaststroke, front and back crawl by Christmas. I won't argue with him - let's wait and see.

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