
Originally the picture was going to be my entry NO WORDS as it was literally my main achievement of the day.
Then I got a 'phonecall from my GP telling me that my blood test that I had had done at 8.00am had arrived back with news that I have Hypothyroidism!!!

This means that I have a reason for the weight gain. I have a reason for the recurrent illnesses, a reason for the incredible tiredness.

Previously I NEVER was ill EVER.

Even more importantly I have a reason for my poor attention span , my forgetting stuff. For instance on blipfoto I have not been commenting anything like I used to
this I put down to not being able to follow some of the longer entries, forgetting who I have commented on, my even more appalling than usual spelling.
I explained it all away with my age . But it was when I lost a stone in weight and 2 weeks later I put half a stone back on again and I had not done anything to justify that...
Anyway I am so relieved and I am now off to eat a jaffa cake know ing full well that in about 6 weeks time if all goes well I will be feeling so much better and I will be a size 10 again. And I now know that I am tired and not just being lazy

It also means that everyone has been very tolerant of my crappy commenting people like jax, and Audrey and lynne and the Vicar and Hope and picaday and miss R able and Chaos and Bluesheep and benek and BB and Mack and Grandmama and James Fryer and Croz the list goes on and on and on and on ...I thank you all for that ...

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