Fionn mac Cumhaill's footprint

Fionn mac Cumhaill, or Finn McCool to make life a bit easier, is one of Ireland's most famous mythical heroes. There are hundreds of stories about him, from his precocious childhood where he tasted the salmon of knowledge, to his ferocious warrior career as leader of the Fianna, and his complicated and lively love life. In true heroic fashion he is said to not have died but is sleeping under a hill near Dublin, ready to leap awake when his country needs him. Dublin may call on him tomorrow!!!
There are geographical features associated with him all over Ireland, the most famous being the Giant's Causeway in County Antrim. This one is about a mile away from me and is reputed to be his footprint - there's meant to be another one close by but I haven't found it yet. One of Fionn's specialties was ripping out bits of mountain and throwing them into the sea - the Isle of Man was created this way as were the islands in Dunmanus Bay. Admire his footprint and enjoy this relaxing tribute by The Dropkick Murphys - those of a more sensitive nature might enjoy a trip to Fingal's Cave instead, also connected with the mighty Fionn.

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