
freya and her wee brother james have spent a lot of time at our neos event this week along with my girls, eve, the leggats, amelie and all the other kids who's parents are showing and buying this week. I have to say that considering they've had to stay in one room for hours on end they have been brilliant. yes, they've had the odd moment where they've been told to shhh or calm down - but I'm really pleased with how great they've been. freya is a wee star - she commissioned misssy m to make her a sock monkey today, but not just a sock monkey - an alien sock monkey with 7 eyes (just incase he misses anything), a cape and a bow tie. here they are - freya and her 7-eyed alien sock monkey who has the power to reunite lost socks with their partner socks...we're calling his business 'socks reunited'. I think he'll do well (and freya's pleased!)

another busy day today that calmed right down after about 2.30. it's been an ace week - it's quite sad that tomorrow is the last day because I'm going to really miss everyone who's been involved and the lovely atmosphere at our event all this week - as well as the great reception the people of meldrum and beyond have given us. but at the same time I need to catch up on sleep and stock!

looking forward to tomorrow - the lorelei played us into neos last saturday and will be playing us out again at 2pm....whooooop whooooop!

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