aging hippy

By aginghippy

Wee Flat

Went to look at a wee flat in Motherwell this morning. Am seriously considering buying something in Motherwell for the times Margaret and I visit Scotland + it's close to my 2 aunts if they should ever be in need of some help.
Close to exhausted I think, not feeling too good, so I've been sent to bed early by the Aunties. Honestly they may be 84 but I think they still think I'm about 10. Talked to Margaret this evening and let her know it'll soon be all over and I'll get home as soon as I can.
As usual got a few email orders/instructions from my brother about what he wants sent and what he doesn't. Asked him what his last slave died of !!!! Considering sending him a bill for all the work involved!!!
nice weekend to you all.


ps I suppose I could always move next door to Campbell !!!

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