Peninsula Light

By PeninsulaLight

Antique shop in Cromarty, on the Black Isle.

Was over to take some photos of the outside of a house, for friends. Their estate agent had some of the interior, but the weather had been so wet and windy, that none were taken outside... Cromarty is nearly always windy!

I don't envy professional photographers, as even this relatively simple task was tricky... well, to the likes of me it was. The weather had changed from yesterday's dire forecast, and now there was full sun. Early on part of the house was dazzlingly lit by sunlight, whereas the rest was in deep shadow. Took a few shots, but nothing great. Some cloud cover came over (a couple of hours later, and after a walk), which made things much better/easier - especially when it came to editing them.

Accessing the back of the house was entertaining, and I had visions of the Police turning up, as I clambered over a fence. Think I'm a bit old for this malarky! In keeping with the usual estate agent photos, care was taken to avoid some of the "potential unflattering aspects" around the garden/house (overgrown areas, and clutter). Though I wouldn't edit out any imperfections caught in the frame, other than that caused by dust/muck in or on the photo gear.

Tomorrow it'll be more favours, electronic repairs. Unless I get a better offer...

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