Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


So today I made a thingy to put on the end of my lens that makes bokeh into hearts. However, my shoddy skills mean that the heart is kind of wonky, so I need a stamp thing that will cut out a perfect heart or star or other shape. By leaning out of our (third floor) window I managed to get a shot with enough lights to make it interesting (a car driving down the road), but forgot I'd turned the widget around for portrait photos. Whoops!

I met Sammy for lunch today, it's odd not living with her any more! Had a nice catch up and some Belgian waffles...and then this evening I finished season 3 of House. Last night was dinner at Ruan and Jon's, and was a lovely first proper meal since being ill. However, today my tonsils have grown and swallowing is proving difficult. If I get tonsillitis after being poorly-sick for the best part of three days, I'll have a tantrum!

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