a wee bit in my shoes...

By Sharyn

Being a lady...

Iv spent today with different girls I know, hence the heels were out and I was being a lady lol.
Headed out for breakfast, shopping, lunch and Jane Eyre with a mother and daughter. It was a good wee time..
Tonight I met up with my friend Emma and went to a womens nite at church. There was a fashion designer speaking about her passion and what contributes to her designs etc.. She also talked about how God has been involved through all of it and how she has been protected so many times especially as a child growing up in Uganda. All the women had a great nite of laughter, chattin and food.
I love seeing women come together and actually enjoying themselves. It's good to hear about other lives or even to hear advice etc from someone who has been there.
I used to hate doing the whole girly thing with hair, make up heels etc but now I love it :) it's good to have your own individuality but also to embrace other women within that.
Us girls need to stick together :-)

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