Singing in my Chains

By Cadi


Just a quick blip so rather than a cat, it's my tea. With a little help from Delia, we have Portuguese baked fish, roast new potatoes, steamed greens with butter & pepper. Yum.

Spent a few hours in town with my niece, wandering around the shops & trying on the big wedding hats in John Lewis (tee hee). I gave in and finally entered Hollisters. Why is a clothes shop so dark? Or does the Cardiff store just have dodgy electrics? The staff must all have scurvy. They only employ good-looking staff too, so why keep them locked up in the dark? Although it is a bit startling to come across a six foot Amazon in the gloom; rather like coming across a shy woodland creature in a glade.
I dragged Annie into Lakeland in revenge but was crushed by the constant sarcastic remarks of, 'how have I managed to live 17yrs without an orange peeler/banana preserver/ Cath Kidston egg cosy?' I I can dissuade her from her Superdry addiction, we may have a budding Marxist on our hands. Cool.

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