Whale Watch
I have to come clean. I have a hedge fetish.
Love 'em all, manicured, patchwork, neglected and particularly, zany.
This is definitely the winner in the zany stakes and can be found in Leura, which is a Blue Mountains town about 20 kms from Blackheath.
I love it when people try to make a statement with their hedge, and the more topiary the better. Not quite sure what these people are trying to say, or what came first, the idea or the hedge. Whether they woke up one day and said, 'God, it's a whale!'
Just to ensure it's a special treat the eye and teeth are only implanted in autumn and spring, for two weeks. We certainly don't want to take it for granted.
I tried to find a person to stand next to it so you could get an idea of the scale, but eventually gave up. It is seriously huge. I don't reach the canines. About 6 metres, I'm guessing (or 20 feet in old money).
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