Back to reality

Still feeling rather jet lagged it is time to return to reality and tackle the wedding editing I have to finish, but if I don't start sometime soon I will sleep for the next 24 hours. Thankfully I'm not at work tomorrow, I am due to meet with the Worship Pastor at Church as how I can utilise photography for our church events and if I can build and encourage potential others to play a more active part in the team. Event photography is not quite as easy as it sounds as you need to be comfortable to move around people to get your shot but also not to mar the enjoyment of the spectators, it is easy to be too nervous to move at all which is usually the problem I have with some people. After tackling Grapevine shooting in front of over 5000 people in the Big Top you realise not everybody who likes photography is suitable for event photography.

As to this picture, a sunflower growing out of our patio using a vintage pop preset out of lightroom, there were so many presets that worked well with this image I had to settle for one

Please do take time to visit my New York Backblips

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