Calderglen Country Park

We took Snuffles to her first park today along with the kids. It was Johnny's turn to hold Snuffles on the way there and guess what....she was car sick right on his lap!!!! He was shouting "I am going to be sick!!!" Just wonderful eh???

Anyway we survived that and we walked down to the play park area and the kids had a play and Snuffles had a "sniff". Megan's friend Niamh from school turned up which made Megan smile. They all climbed the high slides and here is a shot of Katie coming out the bottom.

It was Megan's turn to hold Snuffles on the way home and there was no car sick this time, thankfully!

We managed to watch Planet Dinosaur and it was very good. Megan had not been sure if she would enjoy it but she soon got into it and can't wait for the next one now!

Only 1 "pee" in the house today so far for Snuffles everything else has been at the park or out the back although when you take the lead off out the back she won't come in!!! Will she still be so keen when it's snowing?? I don't think so!


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