Jelly Fotos

By JellyB

Keep a diary, and someday it'll keep you. Mae West

First of all - oops. I posted the entry for Friday yesterday (Saturday) but entered it under Saturday by mistake. So, this is the photo taken on Saturday but posted under Friday! Hope that makes sense.

It was suggested to me a while ago that I should keep a diary. I tried keeping a diary when I was younger - always starting on Jan 1 but never getting very far. Maybe starting in September is a good thing - let's just see.

I bought the 'diary/journal' a couple of weeks ago. I've been procrastinating about writing in it ever since but finally I decided to take the plunge and just write.

I wonder how many pages will be filled, will it be kept or will my darkest secrets be sent to the shredder....

The man who can keep a secret may be wise, but he is not half as wise as the man with no secrets to keep.
Edgar Watson Howe

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