Please...Don't move!

By pleasedontmove

The parade

Next weekend will be the annual festival of Barcelona. The festival, called "la Mercè" was originally dedicated to the mother of God under the name of La Mercè (the Mother of Mercy). Now is a civic festival with some religiuos branchs.
Today, after a good lunch, we went walking to Ciutat Vella (downtown Barcelona) and we found the procession that took th image of the Virgen from the cathedral to the church of La Mercè. It's the main religious manifestation of the festival (a week before the main acts of the party).
Anyway, in the parade there were believers, brotherhoods, authorities, bands of musicians and the militar police cavalry.

It was very hard to make a choice about which photo hang in my journal. At least I ask my family and unanismously they choose this one.

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