
By Moonraker

Tootsies: 5 of 30

These are five of 30 tootsies that I tickled today (well, yesterday - it's Sunday as I write this). An old school friend is currently with her parents in my home town in Wiltshire, back from India with the triplets she gave birth to in May.

The expression 'having your hands full' has never been more apt.

I was hoping to capture all three babies together but it just didn't happen: one would always be feedng while two were free, or as the one feeding became free, another would then disappear to have their nappy changed, and when that baby came back, another would fall asleep, or........

......so here's 5 tootsies.

I adore babies' feet and toes (adult feet and toes just don't have the same appeal).

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