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By dejaview

A Study in Time Management!

I have SERIOUS time management issues! I can't manage to find the time to do all the things I want to do and unfortunately blipping is suffering! Still, here we are today with another issue!!

It is a well known fact that ladies of a certain age ( my age!) feel the heat. So, what a wonderful idea it would be to have a ceiling fan in the bedroom! Mr DV can invest in an Arctic thickness duvet and a pair of bedsocks and I will be cool!!! Oh dear! Mr DV, as you have probably realised is fairly handy about the house, but after approximately 6 hours of very hot, stressful work this is where we find ourselves!! It is not going according to plan!!

I am keeping very quiet and have come to chat to all my blip friends as I know you will not be able to moan at me...or at least not so that I can actually hear you!!! Hope things are OK with all of you at the moment and that you are enjoying the sunshine!

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