A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Narrow Lane

This is Narrow Lane and is one of three ways to get to my house.
The lower wall on the right is where the road is at it's narrowest as it is where a stream runs under the road.

The higher wall to the right is the wall around Ferrand's Park. The Ferrand's family have been mentioned before on my blip with reference to 'The Folly' built by the Ferrand's but now hidden in the woodland that has grown up around it. The Ferrand's Oak has also been a blip - or at least it's stump has - It was sacrificed to provide oak for replacement bosses at York Minster after the fire there. The Ferrand's owned all the St Ives Estate on the edge of our village, where we often walk, having originally purchased it in 1635.

Any way it was to this park I was walking this morning to photograph trees, perhaps inspired by Hockney's trees yesterday. I really didn't find anything to inspire me as they are too close together and many are evergreen.
The tree in the distance here is a horse chestnut and it caught my eye the other day because of it's colour. The ones in the park are still green, but all are bearing conkers. Lots of signs of autumn which of course officially starts this week.

The Folly
The Ferrand's Oak

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