A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

Wrong neighborhood..

So sorry about this photo. I know it's an awful attempt of using HDR but I've been sleeping the whole day. I have been so tired, that taking photos has been a lot more challenging today than usually. So I used this snapshot I took on our way home from the playpark and just played with it. It didn't end up good but it's all I have so there.

On another news, Ella received her surprise gift from her aunt today. She sent it all the way from Ireland. Ella has been waiting for it a long time and she was absolutely thrilled to receive it. So thank you my sister for sending her the present. We love you. xxx

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Just have been trying to finish editing my photoshoot pictures and resting a lot, now that I have a chance. But I'll be around again soon. :) Take care you all and hopefully this monday hasn't been too bad for anyone.

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