Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The clock is ticking...

on summer. It was definately parky this morning and the underfloor heating came on on its own. A sure sign of a chilly night.

Carys was a school for the whole day for the first time and was quite excited by that. She also had to go into school on her own this morning. Mummy was not allowed throught the door. Unsurprisingly not a problem. I can't tell you how proud I am about the way she has dealt with the transition to school.

William is getting better, but I think he still has some low grade pain as he is still drooling and clingy at times. When I have given him painkillers he is his normal happy self. Today is the first time since his op that he hasn't fallen asleep mid-morning. Infact he didn't even fall asleep on the way to the Breastfeeding drop in at lunchtime, no he waited until 14.45 to conk out. Great timing, he had to be woken to go and collect Carys and he was not a happy bunny.

Ballet didn't happen today as homework and sleep took presidence for Carys. She didn't even make a fuss so you know she is still tired. Swimming tomorrow, hoping for less homework too.

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