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today - well, for the last week - I've been living at the pace I used to live but stopped living at because it made me too narky and because our children needed more attention. Right now I'm pretty narky and our children need more attention. There's proof if ever you needed it.
Today was another get-up-early-get-everyone-to-school-get-to-office-do-lots-of-work-go-shopping-pick-people-up-cook kind of day. Still going too as I have bread proving and soup bubbling. While I was cooking earlier I looked out of the window and saw a pig stroll by. Oh look, there's a pig strolling by I thought. ANd then I thought, oh look that pig is heading for the road. And then, after a few creaky noises, the cogs turned and my brain hurled me into wellies and out of the door whilst shouting c'mon children pig's out get here now need help no I said NOW ****ing hell!
And then I put the pig away in its run again with the help of a bucket of food (very helpful) a barking dog (unhelpful) a squealing child (very unhelpful) a slightly panic-stricken child who squealed occasionally (marginally helpful). And then got the fence working again - blipped - went back to cooking. Cool as a cucumber. Honest.
It's been a bit cold today. Our local mountain was snow covered and some lucky people a bit higher up the mountain woke up to 30cms fresh snow this morning!! I work on the Schneebergstrasse (Snowmountain Street) and you could feel it...snow smells prickling up my nose and icy wind. Brrrrrrrrr!! Hooray for jumpers and fires! Porridge for breakfast tomorrow!
This came on the radio today as I was driving home through the tunnel so it went all fuzzy and I couldn't sing along. Now I'm going to make up for it. Hold your ears closed.

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