Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


Tomorrow is our Community AGM, we think that our German president is not standing for re-election, if that is the case then Glenys Mitchell will be voted in a President and I am standing as Vice President. The only thing that remains is we ditch our administrators, they were elected 2 years ago because they are 'cheap' but cheap is not good, as we have found out. They forgot to renew our community insurance last October and it wasn't noticed until July of this year, so all through the summer we had no third party liability, that meant if anyone had had an accident we all could have 'lost' our houses, as if we had been sued there was not enough money in the community funds to pay out a large amount.

On a brighter note, my despair has lifted, I've done 3 sessions in the gym, 2 this morning, body pump and body balance then at 5pm I did an hours spinning.

My diet has started, I have 3 weeks to lose 5lbs, should be able to do that, we go on holiday on 13th October, 3 days in Valencia then a cruise round the Med, so I need to get some weight off, so I can put it back on again whilst I am on holiday!!!!

Back blipped the last couple of days.

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