Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Morning Catch

I have not posted in so long, I just about forgot how to do it. I have some photos to post, but I will have to find some time to do it. We are getting into the time of year when the sunrises and sunsets are so beautiful. I hope to find more time to go blipping.

Today, I went to inservice where I work; it really makes me feel that summer is over and fall is upon us. The weather is still very nice, though, and I hope it will hang around a bit longer.

I loved the sky this morning, it was gorgeous. The fishermen were lined up all up and down the boardwalk. One man came up to me, as I was taking photos, and wanted to show me the picture he took the day before on his cell phone. He was old and weathered, a bit like Spencer Tracy in "The Old Man and the Sea", and I was so surprised to see him pull out his cell phone. He was so proud of the picture he had taken. He said "Yep, I'm gonna trade this picture to replace the background picture of my cat. I don't think she will mind".

You can really meet some characters when you get out early to catch the sunrise.

I took a few other shots in the evening:

Here is a shot of a sea gull at sunset in the golden waters.

This shot was way after the sun went down.

I hope you all have a great day.

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