Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Tuesday and an early morning moon

Woke early ish this morning and was greeted by another lovely sun rise, surely nothing can go wrong on days that start like this.
The last quarter moon was almost overhead, couldn't resist capturing it
So much clearer than it was last night as it rose late evening
The four craters that make up the nodes of a diamond near the bottom of the picture are Tycho at the top, which is a really prominent feature when the moon is "fuller" and the baby of the bunch at 102km in diameter
To the left is Longomontanus at 157km, creeping into the shadows is Maginus at 194km, and the lowest of the four is Clavius at 245km (another 2001 reference here, Clavius was the moon base in the novel)
The little streak creeping into the dark, just above centre, is Montes Apenninus (named after the Apennine mountains on Earth), they point to a crater called Erastosthenes which is 58km in diameter, leading to the crater Copernicus (93km in diameter) to the left of it

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