Nature day after day

By loveofnature


Well I set myself a mission earlier this morning to try and get a good photo of the Robin singing. Obviously I failed. But this was the only reasonably good shot of the darling I got all day. He has been singing from deep cover but there is a branch next to the seat which he likes to sit on but he NEVER sits there when I'm sitting in the seat. He'll wait (he's very crafty you know) until I've moved over to the feeder to get some shots of birds there and then, and only then, will he perch on that branch! When I'm standing over at the other side of the garden I'll look over and see him sitting there as if to say 'Na na na nahh nahhhh!'

I was rewarded with the sight of two beautiful Willow Warblers this morning chasing each other round the garden. Little yellow darts of energy they were! And also a surprise visit this afternoon from a female Greenfinch and youngster which was nice. The sparrows were a pain and kept pecking and chasing the baby which kept begging for food from Mummy so they eventually gave up and flew away :(

Thanks for your comments and stars for yesterday's Blue Tit it's much appreciated! *hugs* xxxxx

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