Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem


I had 2 appointments today Physio in the AM then Occy Health in the PM. So off i set confident that i had managed to avoid the violent tummy bug both my wife and little boy had caught the last 2 days.

I even stopped on my way back in the PM to take a couple of practice low angle shots. This being one. My intention was to again upload a practice shot, catch up on some commenting and make a plan for a spotlight worthy shot to take for Tuesday...that was until, and excuse my bluntness, i started shitting through the eye of a needle. I was in bed by 20:00hrs. Then came the sickness. It's the first time i have been sick without the assistance of alcohol since i was about 9. And oh my god it was nasty.

When i woke this morning Tuesday, after what has to be the strangest night sleep i have ever experienced, i felt like i had been kicked to fuck by a gang of thugs and them ran over by a 1000 gypys Cortinas. Now at nearly 16:00hrs on Tuesday i feel like i had the worst drinking session mixed with an LSD bender last night!!

So as of yet no blip for today and on a day when my new Tele lense arrived i really wanted to go to the Marsh. I will endevour to blip later as i really don't want to miss a day.

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