
By marshland

Virtual kiss


Hi again. Day two Isabelle, and my second Blip!!

I have a fault or maybe two......I know it's hard to believe just looking at me, but it's true. I am very competitive and extremely modest ;)

Thank you for all the kind comments on my first Blip - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I got a real 'buzz' from the positive responses, but last night I suddenly felt the dreaded 'Blip Pressure!' I had managed to roughly keep up with Isabelle's standards and so what on earth would I do today? Cue the panic. I knew that I had to decorate Isabelle's room as time is moving on at two speeds; too fast to get all the work done and too slow waiting for Isabelle to return. But I had to find time because there was another photo to be taken.

So, during the night I kept waking up considering different blip options (told you that I had 'Blip pressure'). That resulted in the vacant facial expression I usually have on my face being mirrored in my mind. Then like a 'eureka' moment it came to me when getting out of bed. Beth was busy trying to get herself and Libby ready for school grumbling at me as I was still in my dressing gown, but that didn't matter to me - I needed the first part of the master plan which involved photographing Beth. This activity ensured that Libby got dressed quickly so that she could play her part and get her picture taken too. Then the larger problem: The final part of the plan was still in the packaging and had to be applied to the walls in Isabelle's room. I'm not going to reveal the colours or full room, as I'm sure Isabelle would want that honour when she returns on Friday. But I hope that this photo is something that makes you smile!!

On the note of smiling, I feel I have to tell my new Blip friends something that made me smile today too. Yet again it was Libby:

I have found that some of the skills I have learnt as a Police officer come in very handy as a father. For example, interviewing someone when they don't realise what's happening. This morning I went into Libby's bedroom (and Isabelle's at the moment) and picked up Isabelle's body spray. Already knowing the answer to my question, I asked Libby whose body spray it was. Libby replied, 'It's Isabelle's. Why?'. I responded: 'Oh, I thought it was Mum's'. Libby then said, 'Isabelle won't even let me touch it.' Case proved at this point and there was no challenge in this interview! So the background information: Last night I had heard Libby spray the body spray, quickly followed by a waft of sweet smelling roses coming from her room. It was therefore definitely Libby using Isabelle's spray while she's away and as such a little moral victory for Libby over her big sister, or maybe I'm being a little too hasty in my judgement and it's really Libby missing her big sister? Knowing Libby it's a bit of both.......

P.S. I hope that when Isabelle spots the prestigious 'M' next to her camera, she'll be excited. A little present to her from her Dad. Love you Stinkerbell xxx

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