We crossed over into France (how exciting to 'nip into France'!) to go up the cable car on La Saleve - we almost didn't amnage as it was raining heavily and very windy, but we were lucky that it was open! Gorgeous views from the top once it had cleared up.

Later on, we went to see the Palais des Nations which has a random piece of artwork next to it - the Broken Chair. According to Wikipedia, 'It symbolises opposition to land mines and cluster bombs, and acts as a reminder to politicians and others visiting Geneva.' It's still a random chair next to the UN.

This picture is of the Jet D'eau in Lake Geneva - it's huge and on quite often - though apparently they need to switch it off if the wind gets too high. There was even a water-skiier in the harbour!

In the evening we went to a kitsch Swiss restaurant where we had Fondue - and I discovered I had a cheese limit. I think it wsa the live yodelling that tipped the scales :D They had a lot of soft toy St Bernards.

If I hadn't posted the Jet D'eau, this photo of the bay by night would have been my blip.

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