a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Pretty drops...all in a row

A rainy, chilly day today...

I threw together a pot roast in the slow cooker this morning, perfect for a day like today and we'll have some buttered flaky rolls with it.

Tonight we have open house at Jacks school where we can see how the first few weeks of school have been going. Jack has been doing a great job with his homework. His teacher returns everything that he turns in and they always have a smiley face or a 'nice work!' written on them!

I have my first 'newborn photo shoot' tomorrow. I have to admit, I am quite nervous! The baby is about 10 days old, and I've never done a newborn portrait before. I do know the babies grandmother and have met the mom a few times, so at least I won't feel completely overwhelmed! He is a beautiful little boy, when I saw him sleeping last week, he smiled about 10 times!!

I am hoping that they won't mind me posting a photo on here tomorrow (assuming I do a good enough job!!), but if not, I'm sure I will find something to share with you!

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