Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

''DUCK!'' Or grouse.

Gaffer says ''What do they mean 'NOW available', I can grouse any day.''

I reckon the title phrase can be seen at a few low doors in pubs.

'Twas necessary to do a spot of panic shopping today.

Itinerary... Cranston's, hence the Blip, two intended purchases, one not.
Aldi: For the favourite Muesli, plus a couple of unexpected ones.
Morrison's: Similar tale.
Then out to a, now extinct, Caravan centre for some jungle-juice for the small device lurking in a cupboard at the back of ''The Beast".
Not a clue when it vanished, but the place now looks more like a cross between Stalag Luft Votnot and Butlins, so it must be a while.

I must admit to being a teeny bit miffed at missing out on the lamb though. (My favourite ''fruit''.)

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