
By wonderfulworld

Cookie Baking

Perhaps dumping the marshmallow in was not such a good idea. It disintegrated and acted as a glue to the baking sheets. I spent most of the time trying to rescue bits of the cookies that were not lined with grease proof paper!

A great day of visiting Billy with the cookies and my friend with the two new dogs Charlie and Spud. Then we headed to Carlow with my friends daughter, to go shopping in Pennys. Lunch in a restaurant and then back to the house with the prospect of more junk food for dinner, and a DVD (Dirty Dancing).

We also made a story by each of us making up a sentence each:


Mephisto went to America to shop around New York for a hoody to fit his son. Afterwards he walked along the Nile to see some fish and pyramids accompanied by his wife and cat. They came across a new fish called a sphinx. The fish ate them with white sauce. The people were terrified and were trying to get out so poked the fish until they reached the mouth and they poked a very sensitive spot and the fish wretched them up so that they landed on Staten Island. The Island was deserted but they came across a party of people who were also stranded and survived on coconut, ate bananas and dried themselves with sand after going for a swim in the ocean. Mephisto asked them if they were secretly fish trying to kill them as well. The other people looked at Mephsto in confusion and said, ?we are Greek Gods and we can conjure up food ourselves and have survived on this island for many years.? So Mephisto then asked them if they knew their way back to the mainland. They said once every six months a boat came with tourists to visit the island but they can only carry two people and there is a waiting list. So Mephisto, his wife and cat jumped into the sea and started swimming. It turned out that the sea was actually a sea full of ?Jades? which was trying to eat them as well. They came across a Niamh who bobbed on to the surface and said, ?grab onto my fin I will bring you back to the mainland.? ?Thank you?, said Mephisto. Niamh, the nicest creature of the sea, who was pink, ended up bringing them all the way to the mainland and saved their lives. But once she had helped Mephisto and his wife up onto the bank she turned around and hit them with her tail and knocked them back into the sea where all the Jades were waiting in hunger.

Mephisto woke up with a start and realised that he had been dreaming all along. He turned to his wife and his son to see if they had woken up yet. The wife woke up but for some reason her hair was dripping wet and she had seaweed in her socks. ?Meow!?, surprisingly his son had turned into a cat! ?How very odd?, his wife gasped, but they both laughed and they took their son in as a family pet instead. Their son became great companions with their cat and they soon had a litter of kittens. They all lived happily ever after.


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