
By skaterg1rl

the blipfather blipping. watching the master at work both on and off stage.

it was a great presentation and the sheer money making greed of the google presentation made blip look like the angels of social media.

as ever life.turns. made me greet.

feeling more sorted today than i have been over the last two weeks when i seem to rush between things and feel like i'm doing none of them well - and more sorted despite another broken night with the kids' tummy bug. it was the fifth wakeful night in the row and to my shame when cb2 (aged 10) stumbled into my bedroom at 2am and told me he'd been sick, i just said 'is there any mess?'. when he said 'no' i just told him to go back to bed.

to my (mild) credit, i woke up with a start at 5.30 to double check he was ok and that the bathroom wasn't a disaster area.

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